Wars of Israel

Wars of Israel

From Israel's First War of Independence in 1948 including all the Shadow Wars and Proxy Wars with Iran and the battle against State and Non State terrorists & terror Organizations in the West Bank and Gaza today, Synagogues of India, takes an exhaustive look at Israel’s wars, mostly in self defense and military operations that were forced upon a peaceful singular state and  its tryst in history as a state always at the threat of war with its Islamic neighbors.

List of wars involving Israel

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is a list of wars involving Israel. Since its declaration of independence in May 1948, the State of Israel has fought and won eight recognized wars with its neighbouring Arab states, two major Palestinian Arab uprisings known as the First Intifada and the Second Intifada (see Israeli–Palestinian conflict), and a broad series of other armed engagements rooted in the Arab–Israeli conflict.

Wars and other conflicts

Israel has been involved in a number of wars and large-scale military operations, including:

  • Suez Crisis (October 1956) – A military attack on Egypt by Britain, France, and Israel, beginning on 29 October 1956, with the intention to occupy the Sinai Peninsula and to take over the Suez Canal. The attack followed Egypt's decision of 26 July 1956 to nationalize the Suez Canal after the withdrawal of an offer by Britain and the United States to fund the building of the Aswan Dam. Although the Israeli invasion of the Sinai was successful, the United States and USSR forced it to retreat. Even so, Israel managed to re-open the Straits of Tiran and pacified its southern border.

  • War of Attrition (1967–1970) – A limited war fought between the Israeli military and forces of the Egyptian Republic, the USSR, JordanSyria, and the Palestine Liberation Organization from 1967 to 1970. It was initiated by the Egyptians as a way of recapturing the Sinai from the Israelis, who had been in control of the territory since the mid-1967 Six-Day War. The hostilities ended with a ceasefire signed between the countries in 1970 with frontiers remaining in the same place as when the war began.

  • Yom Kippur War (October 1973) – Fought from 6 to 26 October 1973 by a coalition of Arab states led by Egypt and Syria against Israel as a way of recapturing part of the territories which they lost to the Israelis back in the Six-Day War. The war began with a surprise joint attack by Egypt and Syria on the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur. Egypt and Syria crossed the cease-fire lines in the Sinai and Golan Heights, respectively. Eventually Arab forces were defeated by Israel and there were no significant territorial changes.

  • Palestinian insurgency in South Lebanon (1971–1982) – PLO relocate to South Lebanon from Jordan and stage attacks on the Galilee and as a base for international operations. In 1978, Israel launches Operation Litani – the first Israeli large-scale invasion of Lebanon, which was carried out by the Israel Defense Forces in order to expel PLO forces from the territory. Continuing ground and rocket attacks, and Israeli retaliations, eventually escalate into the 1982 War.

  • Second Intifada (2000–2005) – Second Palestinian uprising, a period of intensified violence, which began in late September 2000.
  • 2006 Lebanon War (summer 2006) – Began as a military operation in response to the abduction of two Israeli reserve soldiers by the Hezbollah. The operation gradually strengthened, to become a wider confrontation. The principal participants were Hezbollah paramilitary forces and the Israeli military. The conflict started on 12 July 2006 and continued until a United Nations-brokered ceasefire went into effect on 14 August 2006, though it formally ended on 8 September 2006, when Israel lifted its naval blockade of Lebanon. The war resulted in a stalemate.

  • Gaza War or Operation Cast Lead (December 2008 – January 2009) – Three-week armed conflict between Israel and Hamas during the winter of 2008–2009. In an escalation of the ongoing Israeli–Palestinian conflict, Israel responded to ongoing rocket fire from the Gaza Strip with military force in an action titled "Operation Cast Lead". Israel opened the attack with a surprise air strike on 27 December 2008. Israel's stated aim was to stop such rocket fire from and the import of arms into Gaza. Israeli forces attacked military and civilian targets, police stations, and government buildings in the opening assault. Israel declared an end to the conflict on 18 January and completed its withdrawal on 21 January 2009.
  • 2021 Israel–Palestine crisis or Operation Guardian of the Walls (May 2021) – There were riots between Jews and Arabs in Israeli cities. Also Hamas in Gaza sent military rockets into Israel and Iron Dome intercepted most dangerous rockets. Israel attacked targets in Gaza.


Conflicts considered as wars by the Israeli Ministry of Defense (as they were named by Israel) are marked in bold.[3]

ConflictCombatant 1Combatant 2ResultsIsraeli commandersIsraeli losses
Israeli Prime MinisterDefense Minister of IsraelChief of Staff of the IDFIDF
War of Independence
 IsraelEgypt Egypt
Jordan Transjordan
Syria Syria
 Saudi Arabia
All-Palestine Protectorate Holy War Army
Arab League ALA
VictoryDavid Ben-GurionYaakov Dori4,074[4]~2,000[4]
Sinai War
United Kingdom United Kingdom
France France
Egypt EgyptVictory
  • Sinai demilitarized, UNEF deployed.
Moshe Dayan231None
Six-Day War
 Israel Egypt
Iraq Iraq
VictoryLevi EshkolMoshe DayanYitzhak Rabin77620
War of Attrition
 Israel Egypt
Soviet Union Soviet Union
Both sides claimed victoryGolda MeirHaim Bar-Lev1,424[5]227[6]
Yom Kippur War
 Israel Egypt
Iraq Iraq
Morocco Morocco
 Saudi Arabia
Victory[7]David Elazar2,688None[9]
Operation Litani
Lebanon FLA
  • PLO retreat from South Lebanon.
Menachem BeginEzer WeizmanMordechai Gur18None
First Lebanon War
Lebanon SLA
Lebanon Lebanese Front
Syria Syria
Lebanon Jammoul
"Tactical victories, strategic failure"[10]
  • PLO expulsion from Lebanon.[11]
Ariel SharonRafael Eitan6572–3
Security Zone Campaign
Lebanon SLA
  • Israeli withdrawal from Lebanon.[13]
Shimon PeresYitzhak RabinMoshe Levi5597
First Intifada
 Israel UNLU
Oslo I AccordYitzhak ShamirDan Shomron60100
Second Intifada
 Israel PA
  • Palestinian uprising suppressed.[14]
Ariel SharonShaul MofazMoshe Ya'alon301773
Second Lebanon War
 Israel HezbollahStalemateEhud OlmertAmir PeretzDan Halutz12144
Operation Cast Lead
 Israel HamasVictoryEhud BarakGabi Ashkenazi103
Operation Pillar of Defense
 Israel HamasVictory
  • Cessation of rocket fire into Israel.
Benjamin NetanyahuBenny Gantz24
Operation Protective Edge
 Israel HamasBoth sides claim victoryMoshe Ya'alon676
Israel–Palestine crisis


 Israel HamasBoth sides claim victory
  • Truce declared
Benny GantzAviv Kochavi112